
Host your own email and enhance your privacy

View the Project on GitHub cabalmail/cabal-infra


You must sign up for a Github account if you don’t already have one.

After signing up and logging in, fork this repository. (Do not try to create infrastucture directly from the original repo.) Note the URL of the repository. You will need it later.

  1. Log in to your Github account.
  2. Navigate to the newly forked repository.
  3. From the repository, navigate to Settings, and then Secrets. This should show any Actions secrets by default. If you see any other secrets settings, navigiate to Actions secrets.
  4. Create four secrets, one called AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, another called AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and a third called AWS_REGION. Store the key ID and secret that you created in the AWS setup in step 10, and the region that you have chosen. The region should match what you specify in your Terraform configuration.

    Secret Required value
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Access key that you created in AWS setup in step 10.
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Access key that you created in AWS setup in step 10.
    AWS_REGION AWS region such as “us-east-1”.
    TF_TOKEN See Terraform setup.
  5. Set up a personal access token. The scope should be repo and workflows. You will need this token when you set up Terraform.
  6. Define the following environment variables:

    Variable Example value
    TF_VAR_AVAILABILITY_ZONES ["us-east-1a","us-east-1b"]
    TF_VAR_AWS_REGION us-east-1
    TF_VAR_BACKUP true
    TF_VAR_ENVIRONMENT production
    TF_VAR_IMAP_SCALE { min = 1, max = 1, des = 1, size = \“t3.small\” }
    TF_VAR_MAIL_DOMAINS [\“\”,\“\”]
    TF_VAR_PROD true
    TF_VAR_SMTPIN_SCALE { min = 1, max = 1, des = 1, size = \“t2.micro\” }
    TF_VAR_SMTPOUT_SCALE { min = 1, max = 1, des = 1, size = \“t2.micro\” }

    Note that quotation marks must be escaped with a single back-slash. (If you’re reading this document in raw markdown, you’ll see double-back-slashes.)